African Tourism Board Chair zu Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire

cuthbertivboy | eTurboNews | eTN
schrëftlech vun Jürgen T Steinmetz

De President vum African Tourism Board ass de Moment zu Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire fir den Zoustand vun der Rees- an Tourismusindustrie a Westafrika ze diskutéieren

Cuthbert Ncube, President vun der African Tourism Board arrived in Abidjan, the Capital City in the West African Nation of Cote D’ivoire.

Mr. Ncube received a warm welcome from members of local business leaders and media. He met at the Federation of Tourism Business Council discussing bilateral engagements and strategic partnerships between the African Tourism Board and Ivory Coast.

Côte d'Ivoire ass e westafrikanescht Land mat Strandresorts, Reebëscher an eng franséisch-kolonial Ierfschaft. Abidjan, op der Atlantik Küst, ass de groussen urbanen Zentrum vum Land. Seng modern Landmarken enthalen zigguratlike, konkret La Pyramide a St. Norde vum zentrale Geschäftsbezierk ass de Banco National Park e Reebëschschutz mat Wanderweeër.

Côte d'Ivoire (och: Ivoire) is a country in West Africa with a southerly facing North Atlantic Ocean coast.

It is bordered by Ghana to the east, Liberia to the west, Guinea to the northwest, Mali to the north, and Burkina Faso to the northeast.

Meetings have been confirmed for Chairman Ncube with the Honorable Minister of Tourism Siandou Fofana.

Ivory Coast has great potential for both on eco-tourism and sports- tourism.

Minerals in Ivory Coast are still untapped. Mr. Cuthbert felt there are excellent investment opportunities, not only for tourism projects.

Mr. Cuthbert encouraged tourism stakeholders to look within and promote the domestic tourism market to prepare for an international restart of the sector.

He said: “It will require a total synergy with all stakeholders within the Tourism value chain to draw make Tourism accessible and affordable to the Domestic populace.”


  • He met at the Federation of Tourism Business Council discussing bilateral engagements and strategic partnerships between the African Tourism Board and Ivory Coast.
  • Cuthbert encouraged tourism stakeholders to look within and promote the domestic tourism market to prepare for an international restart of the sector.
  • “It will require a total synergy with all stakeholders within the Tourism value chain to draw make Tourism accessible and affordable to the Domestic populace.


Iwwer den Auteur

Jürgen T Steinmetz

De Juergen Thomas Steinmetz huet zënter engem Teenager an Däitschland (1977) kontinuéierlech an der Rees- an Tourismusindustrie geschafft.
Hien huet gegrënnt eTurboNews an 1999 als éischten online Newsletter fir déi global Rees Tourismus Industrie.

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