Prinzessin Cruises: Déi meescht vun der Welt schléift nach ëmmer net genuch

Prinzessin Cruises: Déi meescht vun der Welt schléift nach ëmmer net genuch
schrëftlech vun Chef Aufgab Editor

Prinzessin Cruises, in collaboration with Wakefield Research, today revealed the findings of its 10th Annual Relaxation survey. With ten years of data analyzing the sleep and vacation habits of adults, this year’s survey reinforces the stress and lack of relaxation experienced by adults globally. Results from the survey show more than half of those surveyed are getting less sleep than they need (52%) – a decrease of one percent from last year.

Taking time off is one of the ways for adults to relax and de-stress. The survey found that over half of those surveyed (58%) took all of the vacation days available to them in the last year. At 68%, UK respondents were the best at taking all of their vacation days, while Australians came in last at 43%. Just ahead of Australia and Indonesia (52%), 54% of Americans reported utilizing all of their time off. However, when using their vacation days, 81% of those who are employed take days off to catch up on sleep – an increase of four percent.

“Sleep allows our bodies to recharge and recover from mental and physical strains, which is important for overall health. Year over year, we continue to see how the lack of sleep negatively impacts people around the globe,” said board-certified sleep expert, Dr. Michael Breus. “As people continue to take less vacation time, we know it’s more important than ever for people to maximize their time off.”

Rewards of Relaxation

•Commitment to Relax – An overwhelming majority of adults (85%) set aside time specifically dedicated for relaxation on a weekly or more basis, increasing slightly from 84% in 2018.

•Good Practice – Regular relaxation can become a way of life. More than 3 in 5 (61%) of those who set time aside every week to relax used all of their paid time off, compared to 40% of those who did not make time to relax every week.

Relaxation Among Couples and Families

•Worn Out – Working parents (53%) are more likely than non-parents (41%) to take a week or more off every year to catch up on sleep.

•Maxing Out – Working people who are married or in a relationship (63%) were more likely to have used all of their paid time off in the last year, compared to those who are not married or in a relationship (46%).

Some Global Comparisons

The Most Sleep Deprived Countries – Findings show that US adults are getting more sleep than last year. However, in the UK, adults are getting less sleep compared to 2018.

•UK: 66% versus 63% last year

•Singapore: 61% versus 62%

•Australia: 59% versus 61%

•U.S.: 53% versus 58%

•China: 51% versus 53%

•Mexico: 44%

•Vietnam: 37% versus 38%

•Indonesia: 35% versus 34%

Days Taken off by Country per Year (on average) to Catch Up on Sleep

•Vietnam – 10 days

•China – 10 days

•Mexico – 10 days

•Indonesia – 9 days

•Singapore – 8 days

•Australia – 7 days

•U.S. – 7 days

•United Kingdom – 4 days


  • •Maxing Out – Working people who are married or in a relationship (63%) were more likely to have used all of their paid time off in the last year, compared to those who are not married or in a relationship (46%).
  • More than 3 in 5 (61%) of those who set time aside every week to relax used all of their paid time off, compared to 40% of those who did not make time to relax every week.
  • •Commitment to Relax – An overwhelming majority of adults (85%) set aside time specifically dedicated for relaxation on a weekly or more basis, increasing slightly from 84% in 2018.


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Chef Aufgab Editor

Chef Assignment Editor ass den Oleg Siziakov

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