Regierung Rethinking Mauritius Tourismus

Regierung Rethinking Mauritius Tourismus
schrëftlech vun Alain St.Ange

“We need to make of the difficult situation we are confronted with, an opportunity to rethink Mauritius tourism as well as its future, and government is working in partnership with the hotel industry and other stakeholders of the tourism industry to plan the steps ahead.”

This statement was made recently in the National Assembly by the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Housing and Land Use Planning, and Minister of Tourism, Mr. Steven Obeegadoo, in reply to a Private Notice Question by the Leader of the Opposition, Dr. Arvin Boolell, in regards to the tourism sector.

Mr. Obeegadoo emphasized that government’s topmost priority, alongside safeguarding the health of its compatriots, has been the preservation of employment and protection of livelihoods.

In respect of the tourism Industry up to the end of July, an amount of some Rs 2 billion has been disbursed to more than 39,000 employees under the Wage Assistance Scheme, and an estimated amount of approximately Rs 26 million has been paid out to around 1,500 Mauritians under the Self-Employed Assistance Scheme. It is estimated that an amount of Rs 500 million will be disbursed for the month of August 2020, he underlined.

DPM Obeegadoo stated that given the very dynamic global situation pertaining to the COVID-19 Pandemie and the fact that the Wakashio crisis is not yet over, it would be futile to pronounce upon the immediate future of the tourism and hospitality sector at the present time. The Tourism Minister recalled that that in 2018, there were 1.399 million tourists who visited Mauritius of which 78% resided in hotel resorts. In 2019, the corresponding figure was 1.383 million, and for the first 3 months of 2020, 304,842 tourists visited Mauritius, the number dwindling thereafter to practically nil. He added that the figures for the first quarter of 2020 relating to the evolution of employment in the tourism sector are being compiled.

The Deputy Prime Minister underpinned that government is engaged in a delicate balancing act between the existential imperative of protecting lives on one hand and stimulating economic recovery on the other while the challenges are immense and daunting indeed for any nation and for all governments across the globe. Mr. Obeegadoo appealed for national solidarity and unflinching patriotism as the tourism market is particularly sensitive to reports and statements in the international media. We all need to act responsibly if we have at heart the future of our tourism sector, he concluded.



  • In respect of the tourism Industry up to the end of July, an amount of some Rs 2 billion has been disbursed to more than 39,000 employees under the Wage Assistance Scheme, and an estimated amount of approximately Rs 26 million has been paid out to around 1,500 Mauritians under the Self-Employed Assistance Scheme.
  • DPM Obeegadoo stated that given the very dynamic global situation pertaining to the COVID-19 pandemic and the fact that the Wakashio crisis is not yet over, it would be futile to pronounce upon the immediate future of the tourism and hospitality sector at the present time.
  • The Deputy Prime Minister underpinned that government is engaged in a delicate balancing act between the existential imperative of protecting lives on one hand and stimulating economic recovery on the other while the challenges are immense and daunting indeed for any nation and for all governments across the globe.

Iwwer den Auteur

Alain St.Ange

Den Alain St Ange schafft zënter 2009 am Tourismusgeschäft. Hie gouf vum President a Minister vum Tourismus James Michel als Direkter vum Marketing fir Seychellen ernannt.

Hie gouf vum President a Minister vum Tourismus James Michel als Direkter vum Marketing fir Seychellen ernannt. No engem Joer vun

No engem Joer Service gouf hien op d'Positioun vum CEO vum Seychelles Tourism Board gefördert.

Am 2012 gouf d'Indien Ozean Vanilla Islands regional Organisatioun gegrënnt a St Ange gouf als den éischte President vun der Organisatioun ernannt.

An 2012 gouf St Ange als Minister fir Tourismus a Kultur ernannt, deen hien den 28. Dezember 2016 demissionéiert huet fir eng Kandidatur als Generalsekretär vun der World Tourism Organisation ze verfolgen.

an der UNWTO Generalversammlung zu Chengdu a China, eng Persoun, déi fir de "Speaker Circuit" fir Tourismus an nohalteg Entwécklung gesicht gouf, war den Alain St.Ange.

St.Ange ass de fréiere Seychellen Minister fir Tourismus, Civil Aviatioun, Häfen a Marine, deen am Dezember d'lescht Joer verlooss huet fir d'Positioun vum Generalsekretär vun der UNWTO. Wéi seng Kandidatur oder d'Dokument vun der Ënnerstëtzung just een Dag virun de Wahlen zu Madrid vu sengem Land zréckgezunn ass, huet den Alain St.Ange seng Gréisst als Redner gewisen, wéi hien de UNWTO versammelen mat Gnod, Leidenschaft a Stil.

Seng bewegt Ried gouf als déi vun de beschte Markéierungsrieden an dësem UN internationale Kierper opgeholl.

Afrikanesch Länner erënnere sech dacks un seng Uganda Adress fir d'Ostafrika Tourismus Plattform wann hien Éieregäscht war.

Als fréieren Tourismus Minister, St.Ange war e reegelméissegen a populäre Spriecher a gouf dacks gesinn fir Foren a Konferenzen am Numm vu sengem Land ze adresséieren. Seng Fäegkeet "off the cuff" ze schwätzen gouf ëmmer als eng rar Fäegkeet gesinn. Hien huet dacks gesot datt hien aus dem Häerz schwätzt.

Op Seychellen gëtt hien erënnert fir eng Markéierungsadress bei der offizieller Eröffnung vun der Insel Carnaval International de Victoria, wéi hien d'Wierder vum John Lennon berühmte Lidd widderholl huet ... "Dir kënnt soen datt ech en Dreem sinn, awer ech sinn net deen eenzegen. Enges Daags wäert Dir all bei eis bäitrieden an d'Welt wäert besser sinn als een." De Weltpressekontingent, deen den Dag op Seychellen versammelt ass, ass mat de Wierder vum St.Ange gelaf, déi iwwerall Schlagzeilen gemaach hunn.

St.Ange huet d'Keynote Adress fir d'"Tourism & Business Conference in Canada" geliwwert

Seychellen ass e gutt Beispill fir nohalteg Tourismus. Et ass also net verwonnerlech den Alain St.Ange als Spriecher um internationale Circuit gesicht ze gesinn.

Member vun der Reesmarketingnetz.

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