Paräis besicht gëschter: Net wierklech eng gutt Iddi

schrëftlech vun Jürgen T Steinmetz

A huge clean-up operation is currently underway in Paris and started in the early hours Sunday morning after French “yellow vest” demonstrators clashed with riot police in the latest round of protests against French President Emmanuel Macron

A huge clean-up operation is currently underway in Paris and started in the early hours Sunday morning after French “yellow vest” demonstrators clashed with riot police in the latest round of protests against French President Emmanuel Macron. Today all eyes are on the president in regards to fuel surcharges that caused the yellow vest movement.

Almost 1,000 people had been taken into custody in France yesterday. It was recommended to tourists in the French capital to take a trip to Versailles or the countryside to avoid being caught up in the yellow vest movement protests.


126 people were injured in the city center yesterday, including three police officers.

An estimated 125,000 demonstrators gathered across the country during the day, with 10,000 of them in the capital, where the scenes were the most destructive.

Looters have been seen smashing shop fronts, and cars have been set on fire.



  • It was recommended to tourists in the French capital to take a trip to Versailles or the countryside to avoid being caught up in the yellow vest movement protests.
  • An estimated 125,000 demonstrators gathered across the country during the day, with 10,000 of them in the capital, where the scenes were the most destructive.
  • Today all eyes are on the president in regards to fuel surcharges that caused the yellow vest movement.


Iwwer den Auteur

Jürgen T Steinmetz

De Juergen Thomas Steinmetz huet zënter engem Teenager an Däitschland (1977) kontinuéierlech an der Rees- an Tourismusindustrie geschafft.
Hien huet gegrënnt eTurboNews an 1999 als éischten online Newsletter fir déi global Rees Tourismus Industrie.

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