African Tourism Board President kämpft géint COVID-19

E frësche Wand an Opreegung am African Tourism Board
schrëftlech vun Jürgen T Steinmetz

Africa stands behind Cuthbert Ncube, the Chairman of the African Tourism Board. The ATB chief was recently tested positive for the COVID-19 and is fighting to recover.

De President vun der African Tourism Board, Mr. Cuthbert Ncube is currently fighting Coronavirus.

The ATB leader was diagnosed positive a week ago in Pretoria, South Africa, when he was getting a test in preparation for an international flight to Liberia.

Tuesday morning Mr. Cuthbert responded to concerned members in posting to the member WhatsApp Group:

It gives me the strength to know that we are such a big Family. Thank you so so much for your positive energy. It keeps us going.
To all who have been impacted directly and indirectly by this deadly virus let’s encourage them to look at the brighter side.
May I plead dear friends our mission to rebrand the African Continent must be our motivational factor and may such bring us together to share the same vision? Let the journey begin with you

A few hours later he notified his executive team in saying:

Dear Colleagues, I am still in quarantine and today wasn’t my best day. My chest is failing me. May I request we reschedule our meeting for next week I should be well by then. My apologies stay well and keep safe. This Virus is causing havoc and destruction.

Faouzzou Deme, a member from Senegal said: Our prayers and wishes for a speedy recovery are with you. Your message is heard and it will have a favorable echo with the members of ATB. BE STRONG

Comments are coming in from hundreds of ATB members, and tourism leaders in Africa and beyond. Africa Tourism is united when it comes to fighting the virus and in wishing Mr. Ncube a speedy recovery.

Mr. Ncube was recently named an International Tourism Hero vun der World Tourism Network.

Mr. Ncube can be reached by email at [Email geschützt]

More information on the African Tourism Board, including membership:


  • The ATB leader was diagnosed positive a week ago in Pretoria, South Africa, when he was getting a test in preparation for an international flight to Liberia.
  • May I plead dear friends our mission to rebrand the African Continent must be our motivational factor and may such bring us together to share the same vision.
  • May I request we reschedule our meeting for next week I should be well by then.


Iwwer den Auteur

Jürgen T Steinmetz

De Juergen Thomas Steinmetz huet zënter engem Teenager an Däitschland (1977) kontinuéierlech an der Rees- an Tourismusindustrie geschafft.
Hien huet gegrënnt eTurboNews an 1999 als éischten online Newsletter fir déi global Rees Tourismus Industrie.

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