Polen fir endlech Same-Sex "Civil Partnerships" ze legaliséieren

Polen fir endlech Same-Sex "Civil Partnerships" ze legaliséieren
Polen fir endlech Same-Sex "Civil Partnerships" ze legaliséieren
schrëftlech vun Den Harry Johnson

Poland’s administration led by Prime Minister Donald Tusk has put forward a proposal to create “civil partnerships” for adults, regardless of their gender, which would be officially registered with local authorities in a manner similar to other contractual agreements.

Poland is among the five European Union (EU) member states that have not provided legal recognition for same-sex relationships, alongside Bulgaria, Lithuania, Romania, and Slovakia. The strongly Catholic nation officially acknowledges both civil and religious ‘traditional’ marriages, but does not permit same-sex unions, even in the face of prolonged advocacy from the European Union and the United States.

The Article 18 of the Polish Constitution characterizes marriage as a union between a man and a woman, assigning the state the duty to safeguard and support marriage, family, motherhood, and parenthood. Nevertheless, a ruling by an administrative court in 2019 determined that the wording of Polish Constitution’s Article 18 does not explicitly prohibit same-sex marriage.

However, according to Poland’s Equality Minister Katarzyna Kotula, the Polish government has now introduced two legislative proposals intended to acknowledge civil partnerships, which encompass same-sex unions.

“It’s official! The draft laws on registered partnerships, which were discussed with non-governmental organizations, have been sent for public and inter-ministerial consultations,” the minister wrote on X (formerly Twitter) with a photo of herself posing with the documents.

“This marks a significant milestone in the ongoing pursuit of equality, a journey that has been made possible through the dedicated efforts of numerous LGBT organizations and civil society over many years, culminating in this historic occasion,” the minister further remarked.

Poland’s administration led by Prime Minister Donald Tusk has put forward a proposal to create “civil partnerships” for adults, regardless of their gender, which would be officially registered with local authorities in a manner similar to other contractual agreements.

Couples engaged in such partnerships would have the opportunity to create joint property or allocate their assets through notarized agreements.

Kotula emphasized that the government needed to “reassess” its position and reach a compromise regarding same-sex couples and child adoption.

The proposed legislation stipulates that an individual in a civil partnership has the right to be involved in the care and upbringing of their partner’s child living in the household, including making daily decisions, “unless either parent with parental authority raises an objection.”

The legislative proposals are currently moving towards inter-ministerial discussions and public consultations, prior to being reviewed by the parliament in Warsaw.

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Den Harry Johnson

Den Harry Johnson war den Aufgabeeditor fir eTurboNews fir méi wéi 20 Joer. Hie lieft zu Honolulu, Hawaii, an ass ursprénglech aus Europa. Hie genéisst d'Noriichten ze schreiwen an ze decken.

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